Sunday, July 29, 2012

A bigger heart

Life is ticking at a shockingly quick pace around here.  A lot of things have happened in my life during the past two weeks..including (but not limited to): getting engaged, saying good bye to my new fiancé for a few months at the least, traveling all the way to and from Hong Kong in one single day, hosting a team of 21 precious students for a week, and having my dear friend Catherine come visit! My heart is full, it really is.  But I'll be

On top of all the visible busyness, the Lord has been laying new truths on my heart each day.  I am so thankful that He not only reveals more of Himself to me, but that He also walks with me as I process and learn to apply the truths to my life.  Last week, He used two precious girls that were here visiting with their family to teach me more about His heart for the orphan.  Just when I begin to think I have it figured out, He enlarges my understanding and shows me that I have not begun to skim the surface of his heart for the least.

These two girls were adopted from this country just three years ago, at eleven years old.  Their trip last week was their first time back since they were adopted.  I stood in awe of my Savior as I got to talk to these sweet sisters and learn more about their lives before and after their adoption.  They were kind to share with us and to answer the many questions I had.  But what I couldn't help but notice was the sadness in their eyes.

 I tried placing myself in their shoes.  Living in one place for eleven years, it being all you've ever known.  Then, kind strangers come and take you to a foreign place that you are now told is "home".  New faces, new food, new language, new everything.  Yes, they have a family now...and what a sweet, priceless blessing that is...but I can't help but wonder,...what about everything they left behind?  These two precious girls have a mommy and a daddy and siblings who love them more than life itself, but they also have a China-sized hole in their hearts.  And there is still a wealth of pain that streams from that hole.

Listening to the words of these girls made me realize that the pain and scars of brokenness do not evaporate once a family arrives.  A family is a wonderful mechanism that our Father often uses to facilitate healing.  But only Jesus Christ can heal a shattered heart.  Only He can reveal His own sweetness.  Only He can understand the depths of pain and loneliness.  Only He can see when no one else sees. God's heart for the orphan is bigger than I ever imagined and it stretches farther than just physical adoption into families.  His plan allows for complete restoration of heart, soul, and mind.

And this truth stands firm for everyone.  We have all experienced brokenness and pain.  We are all victims of the Fall, and not one of us has experienced life apart from sin and pain.  Jesus often blesses us with mechanisms of healing--families, friends, counselors, time.  But only JESUS can heal.  Only He can restore.  And only He can breathe fresh life into dull bones.

You know, orphan care is not some compartmentalized section of God's heart.  All of God's heart always comes back to the Gospel.  We are broken people.  We serve a God who heals.  He chooses different ways to heal us from different wounds.

His heart is way bigger than the box I put Him in.

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