Tuesday, May 31, 2011


My my, how time flies my friends! Sorry I've been MIA while my sweet mama has been here, but can you blame me for wanting to spend every waking moment with her?  What a glorious nine days we've had together.  I can't even begin to describe how wonderful it has been to have my Mama on this side of the world with me.  Meeting her at the airport was just as wonderful as I had imagined.  Neither of us could hold back the tears as we hugged.  Just so much emotion, ya know?  I couldn't believe I was actually touching her! We spent two quiet days in Beijing relaxing, visiting the great wall, and shopping at the pearl market.  So.much.fun.  On Tuesday, we came to Maria's and have spent a week here loving on sweet babies, talking, praying, crying...and repeating the cycle.  I don't really know what else to say.  I could go into tons of detail about our days, but to the common person, it probably doesn't seem like we did anything too exciting.  Mom only got to eat two authentic Chinese meals (the rest were foster home Chinese  food and peanut butter sandwiches).  She did manage to cook me a delicious meal of spaghetti and garlic toast...with no electricity or water!  We didn't see many majestic tourist sites or visit many "must sees" of China...but you know what we did? We were slobbered on by babies.  We played tickle-time with preschoolers.  We stroked tiny faces.  We sang silly songs.  We laid in bed and giggled.  We drank coffee on the roof.  We caught up on the past four months of life.  And it was glorious.  I can't even express the depth of my thankfulness.  We experienced a lot together this week.  It was so wonderful for me to finally have someone to share this with.  Someone who I hold so dear to my heart. I think we both have a lot to process.  Perhaps my processing will come in the form of more blogs! :) I have a lot more I want to say, but I feel at a loss for words.  So, for tonight I'll leave you with some pictures. Enjoy :)

We have been blessed.

Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.
Luke 12:48

Monday, May 23, 2011

She's finally here!!

She's finally here! What a JOY AND BLESSING THIS IS! We spent the day yesterday at the Great Wall and the Pearl Market.  More stories later, but I can't WAIT to share the little glimpses of His faithfulness we've seen already! More to come soon!

Goodbyes and Hellos

(I wrote this blog on Sunday, the 22nd but couldn't post due to internet problems! 对不起!)

   I woke up this morning with that familiar ache in my heart.  It’s the ache that comes with saying goodbye and anticipating change.  It’s the ache that comes when one season of our lives comes to an end so that a new one can begin.  It’s an ache that I’m beginning to know very well.  

Thirteen weeks ago when my plane touched down in Chengdu, I wondered if I would ever feel comfortable there.  There was so much unknown.  Those of you who have walked this journey with me can remember the battle with fear I faced during the days leading up to my arrival in Chengdu.  But I am pleased (and not surprised) to announce that once again, He is faithful.  Over the past three months, I have witnessed mountains move and hearts change.  I have walked through valleys so low and yet felt strength.  I have wept, I have laughed, I have made life-long friends.  Yesterday was filled with teary good-byes and lingering hugs (and you all know how bad I hate good-byes), but in the midst of it all His perfect peace remains.  Just the fact that my heart is torn in half shows that He is faithful.  It shows that He brings people and seasons in and out of our lives for His glory. And no matter where you are or what you’re doing, He is there.  
As I was preparing for this transition, my precious friend Devin made a statement that I have been pondering over the past few days.  She said, “Change is the only thing constant about our lives.”  It’s so true, isn’t it?  Things are always changing…and this will be the story of our lives as long as we live on this earth.  Everything.here.is.temporary.  Everything, that is, except our King. 

Praise HIM that we serve a King who will
 ever change.

  The world around us may be a constant whirlwind of change and transition, but we stand on solid ground.  And one day, one glorious day, there will be no more good-byes.  No more tears, no more lingering hugs, no more achy hearts.  Today, we can only see Him dimly, but one day…one glorious day, we will see Him face to face.
I want to share with you some of the sweet memories that were made during my last week in Chengdu.  It has been a full week, indeed! 
Last Saturday, Ryan, Erik, Devin and I participated in a fun run! It was definitely fun! I will never forget running through a little China town as the local people stare at us in disbelief, wondering why in the world a bunch of foreigners are huffing and puffing their way through their streets.  Priceless.

Monday was sweet Devin’s birthday.  We celebrated by going out for all you can eat sushi on Sunday night and then a fun surprise party on Monday!  祝你生日快乐,卫得文!

On Tuesday night, Devin and I attended our last “English Salon” at our favorite Coffee Shop.  We have spent hours upon hours at this little shop, studying and chatting.  We became friends with the owner, Luna.  Tuesday night was a little going away get together complete with free drinks and a gift! Thanks, Luna!

Precious Luna!

Wednesday, our class went to lunch at a fancy hotel buffet.  Then we went to KTV, a popular karaoke hangout.  Our class is so much fun.  Devin and I literally giggle through the entire class period every single day.  Tell me, when again will I be in a class with 3 Americans, 5 Saudi Arabians, 1 Korean,  1 from Sweden, 1 from Bangladesh…and I might be forgetting some.  It really is a circus.  One I’m proud to be a part of.

Our sweet teacher, Zheng Laoshi

On Friday evening, we went to my favorite Chinese restaurant for my last dinner.  We literally ordered every delicious thing on the menu.  Sweet friends Ryan, Erik and Devin came downstairs dressed in matching t-shirts…that HAD MY FACE ON IT! How priceless is that?! I was touched…even if the picture on the shirt isn’t the most flattering thing in the world.  Thanks guys! 

The gang with Uncle Tian, owner of our favorite restaurant!

Where Dev and I took our first picture together 3 months ago!

On Saturday morning, Devin, Amanda, and I went to breakfast with our precious local friend, Lydia.  If a breakfast hour can be anointed, this one definitely was!  I wasn’t prepared for the wave of emotions that would overtake us all, but I think it will be one of my sweetest memories in China.  We sat around the table and cried while we took turns talking to our best friend.  Lydia, you are a precious gem who has forever impacted my life.  I know Him better because I know you. 

Amanda and I are truly Chinese :)

Saturday evening, Devin and I went out for dinner with our Chinese teacher, Zheng Laoshi.  She is a crazy, fun woman! She took us to a local restaurant and then dropped us off at our friends, the Funky’s, house where we spent the night.  We lay in bed and talked into the wee hours…laughing, crying, and sharing memories from the past thirteen weeks. 
So as you can see, my week has been filled to the brim.  My heart is heavy today because good-byes are not easy.  But I cannot possibly wallow in sadness when I look back see the glimpses of His faithfulness.  Oh, the depths of His love! My cup truly overflows.  Now I’m sitting in the Beijing airport waiting for the arrival of my sweet Mama.  My heart is already beating fast as I imagine seeing her face coming down that walkway.  All I can say is, “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”  And thank YOU, my dear friends, for following my journey and for being so faithful in prayer.  I am totally dependent upon those prayers. Check back soon for a picture of one happy girl with one happy mama.  

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I realized today that it has been quite a long time since I've written a post simply updating you on my life here in Chengdu.  My time here is coming to an end.  With only 9 days left in Chengdu, I've been doing a lot of thinking, basking, and thanking.  He is so good, do you know that? 

Life has started to feel somewhat "normal", which I had heard it takes about 3 months for this to happen.  Just in time for me to pack up and begin a new journey, aiya! Tis life, I suppose!  My mornings are filled with Chinese classes (which are going pretty well!) and the afternoons (except Wednesday and Thursday) are free to fill with whatever my heart desires.  I have been spending a lot of time studying lately, being that I had my religion final yesterday, my Chinese final is on Monday, and my culture paper and final are due next Thursday.  Gotta end with a bang!

Last weekend was wonderfully busy.  Friday evening was spent with some friends "out on the town".  We went to the downtown area, walked around, and ate dinner.  The days are getting longer and warmer.  I love summer evenings when the sun doesn't set until after 8pm and the streets are filled with families going on walks after dinner.

I spent the whole day on Saturday with my sweet friend Molly.  We ate lunch together and spent the afternoon studying (She studies English, I study Chinese--works out well!).  That evening, we met up with some other friends for dinner.  I don't think I've mentioned Lydia on my blog yet.  She is a local girl we met a few weeks ago.  Let me just say...this girl is incredible.  She is probably one of the most radiant people I have ever met.  Devin, Amanda and I have been meeting with her on Saturday nights to chat about important things (very important things).  The details will have to be saved for another time, but can I just say, this makes list for my top 5 favorite moments in this country.  I witnessed big things.  Things that can only be explained by our mountain-moving Friend.  This.is.why.I'm.here.
One of my most prized pictures

This past Monday, Devin, Erik, Ryan and I had the opportunity to visit an elementary school to teach English.  The school was about 3 hours away, near the epicenter of the earthquake that ravished this country 3 years ago today.  This small countryside town has just been rebuilt.  We all thought we'd be in pairs to teach the classes, but much to our surprise (and dismay!) we had to teach ALONE!  No plans, no experience, no knowledge of the children's language levels...but we gladly dove right in.  I had a blast.  I chose to teach 3rd and 4th graders.  Two classes of 40 kiddos all to myself.  The first class was a little.....rocky.  Kids don't start learning English until 3rd grade, so didn't understand anything.  I tried to think of games...simon says? Fail.  Hokie pokie? Fail..."How about Old Mcdonald's Farm? Surely we can handle animal sounds!"  Wrong! Did you know that in China, the dogs say, "Wang Wang" instead of "Ruff Ruff or Woof Woof?"  Yep, I didn't know either.  Needless to say, it was a long 40 minutes!  The second class went much better. They caught on to Simon Says (Or Abby Says, as I like to call it) quite quickly and they had all heard old mcdonald's farm before, so they could sing along.  Score! I was exhausted by the end, but my heart was so light and joyful! What a sweet opportunity to work with these precious kiddos...even if only for a few hours.

Tomorrow, I will be visiting the orphanage one last time.  This is a huge blessing because I didn't think I'd be able to go again before leaving to head back to Maria's.  I can't wait to kiss those sweet faces one last time.  I can't wait to hold them as I pray specifically for that one child.  I can't wait to face reality. Even though the pain cuts deep into my heart...I want to see what HE sees.  I want to hurt when HE hurts.  I want to ACT when He acts.  May the tears flow freely and unashamedly. These precious ones are not forgotten.

Saturday will be a milestone in my life.  Wanna know why?  I'm running my first 5k!  I've never been a runner, I'm not a runner now, and I'll probably never be a runner.  But sometimes I enjoy a light jog.  This opportunity came about and I thought, "Why Not? China is as good a place as any!"  So, think of me on Saturday morning at ahem...5:00am as I get ready to head to my first race!

Next week will be my last week in Chengdu. I really can't believe it.  My heart holds many emotions as I'm preparing to leave.  I am so so so excited to get back to Maria's...I'm so excited to be back with the beloved babies and to spend hours and hours and hours kissing their sweet necks and playing peek-a-boo.  But my heart will be sad to leave this city that I have called home for 13 weeks.  I dread the goodbyes.  He has been so so so so so good.  The fact that my heart is sad, the fact that I'm going to miss this place,  the fact that I'm going to miss my precious friends---these are just evidences of His sweetness.  I stand in awe.

AND, as I prepare to leave, I have the JOYOUS anticipation of knowing that when I arrive in the Beijing airport on the 22nd, my sweet Mommy will be only hours from arriving!  My heart beats fast just thinking about that first hug.  I can't wait to get my arms around her neck and take in a HUGE whiff of mama smells! We'll have ten glorious days together--talking, praying, crying, laughing, talking, praying, crying, laughing...I told her we're not allowed to sleep! No time to waste! :)

Thank you for following my journey, sweet friends and warriors! And as I end this leg of the journey and begin the next, I know that He indeed has GREAT things in store!  What a mighty One we serve!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Join Me?

I awoke this morning with a heavy heart.  Why? Because today is the day when my best friend, Ellen (who I told about here) tells her sweet family good-bye and steps on a plan to South Africa.  He has called.  She has obeyed.  She loves Africa with every piece of her heart, and she knows this is His perfect plan for her.  But that does not make the good-byes any easier.  I am so proud of her.  Will you join with me in lifting her up today?  You can imagine the fierce wave of emotions that must be swarming her heart.  This is her third time traveling to Africa for an extended period of time...but this time she purchased a one way ticket. Please pray for perfect peace, absolute protection, and joyous anticipation. 

These are some picture of me and Ellen when we first met 5 years ago in Peru.

Ellen, I am so proud of you.  Because He lives, you can face tomorrow AND today.  Because He lives, ALL FEAR IS GONE.  Because we know He holds the future, life is worth the living just because HE LIVES!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Mama

Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.  Give her the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates. 
Proverbs 31: 30-31

My Mama.  Oh. how I wish words could express  the depths of love and adoration I have for this woman I call Mama. She is a true gem--a pearl of great value. One in a million. A lily among thorns.  And I thank my King every single day for blessing me with this precious gift.  You see, she's not just my Mama.  She's my best friend.  This relationship is a gift that many mothers and daughters long for..  I am so thankful.

Memories from my childhood are infiltrated with sweet thoughts of this precious woman.  She used to sit on the front porch of my playhouse for hours while I played inside.  She was the official "babysitter" for all my "children".  I played by myself pretty well, but I just liked knowing she was there.  Her presence brought comfort.  So hour by hour she would sit. 

I remember snuggling up in my bed after a long day and she would read stories to Luke and me before bedtime.  We would close our eyes and just listen.  I'm sure she still had tons of household chores to do after we went to bed, but I never remember bedtime being rushed.  It was always a sacred time of "I love yous" and snuggles.  (Truth be told, I still like her to tuck me in when I'm home...folks, I'm almost 21 years old! That can be our little secret!).

I remember my Mama being the "Class Mom" in my elementary school classes.  She would show up every Wednesday afternoon to volunteer.  She would usually sit in a corner and cut out things or staple papers, and I loved every second of just knowing she was nearby.

One time, in particular, I remember I desperately wanted to stay up and watch a meteor shower.  (I probably didn't even know what a meteor shower was at that point!) But it sounded cool.  It was a really really cold night, and after a few hours of begging, she gave in.  We got our sleeping bags and headed out to the driveway.  It snuggled up and waited...and waited...and waited.  Never saw that meteor shower, but I still remember that night.  I'm sure the last thing Mom really wanted to do was sit out in the bitter cold to watch the stars...but she did it anyways!

I love my Mama for all these memories.  I am thankful for every sacrifice she made and every tear she has  shed on behalf of her children.  But most of all, I am thankful that my Mama showed me Him.  You know, I really have no idea if I would know Him like I do now if it weren't for my sweet Mama.  Her prayers, her example, her words, her songs, her sweet spirit, her hospitality, her joy, her kindness...she has been HIM to me.  She raised me to KNOW Him and to love Him...and now she has loved me enough to let me FOLLOW Him.  Even if that means that I have to go very very very far away.  Thank you, Mama, for loving Him enough...and for loving me enough...to let me follow Him.  Your support and blessing mean the world to me.  

My Mama always says, "Remember, you have a Mama who prays for you every single day."  Oh, the power of a praying Mama!

Happy Mother's Day to the best Mama in the whole wide world. 
I love you mostest

P.S- Only 14 days until I see my sweet Mama on my side of the sea! Praise HIM for this priceless gift!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Thank you, China

Dear China,

There are many things I love about you.  I love your distinct smells and your busy streets.  I love seeing small children in split pants with their little bums exposed.  I love your early mornings when all the street vendors are setting up to begin a new day.  I love your curiosity and eagerness to be friends with foreigners.  I love your people--your sweet, precious people.  China, you have won my heart and I'm thankful for the opportunity to spend six months with you.

But there is one thing I am particularly appreciative of.  Something that I've never been able to find in America.  Something that I've thought about and wished for...but never knew it actually existed.

China dearest, thank you for:
Miniature loaves of bread

Its ingenious, really.  You know, some days, I just really crave a good old fashioned peanut butter sandwich.  Just two slices of bread and some JIF (even skippy will do!).  I'm a college student. I live in a dorm room...alone.  I really don't need 20 pieces of bread when I only want one lil' ole sandwich. Plus, the thought of paying for 20 pieces of bread when I only need 2 just doesn't seem right.  But you, dear China, have remedied my conundrum! You offer baby loaves of bread.  I can choose 4 or 6 or 8 pieces of bread.  I can stop by the market and pick up my 4-piece loaf of bread and have one left over sandwich for lunch the next day.  No excess leftovers, no icky mold...just two perfect sandwiches.  

Thank you, China, for your thoughtfulness toward my peanut butter sandwich-lovin' heart.  I don't know how many people stop and take the time to properly thank you for your kindness. It does not go unnoticed.

