Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dorm Cats, Crowded buses, and Bao zi!

Well, I'm finally in Chengdu! All this planning and anticipating and I'm finally here. We arrived in Chengdu on Monday afternoon and were met at the airport by a few Chinese students.  They brought us straight to the dorms so we could settle in a bit.  The dorms are....very Chinese.  I'm not sure what I was expecting exactly, but this is a bit of an adjustment.   We have a dorm cat who roams the halls and tries to get into our rooms...that's kind of fun I guess! Haha. Its not bad, really.  I suppose I'm just very used to my life of luxury.  I am thankful for the opportunity to be stretched.

The campus is huge.  It will definitely be a few weeks before we can navigate our way around.  The first night we made the first trip to Trust Mart (sort of like a Chinese Wal-mart).  I was able to buy lots of things for my room.  I'm trying to make it as "homey" as possible.  Its a challenge, but totally possible!  I'll give you some pictures when I get all settled.  A friend and I took a rickshaw home from trustmart.  My first authentic rickshaw ride...the first of many, I'm sure!

Mornings have been really hard for me since I came to China.  Its really strange because mornings are usually my favorite time of day.  They always have been.  And I hate that the enemy has had the pleasure of stealing my joy first thing in the morning.  My quiet times with my Best Friend have been sweet, but as soon as I leave that safe place, I feel as though the weight of the world is on my shoulders.  Reality hits.  I am in China, very very very far from anything familiar.  I don't speak Chinese.  I miss my family. You get the idea... Tuesday was especially bad.  I could have curled up and cried all day.  Please pray for me, sweet friends, regarding this homesickness.  It comes and goes whenever it pleases, but when it comes, its paralyzing.  I'm in one of the most populated countries in the world, but I've never felt so lonely.  But I am not alone.  Underneath are the Everlasting Arms...and they are holding me fast.
But I will sing of your strength; I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning.  For you have been to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress.
 Psalm 59:16

Classes start on Monday.  I think getting into a daily routine will help a lot.  It looks like the class load is going to be pretty intense.  We will have language class every morning for about 4 hours.  Then the culture classes in the afternoons.  I will let you know my actual schedule once I know for sure.  I'm really excited about starting the language classes.  Its been quite comical trying to navigate through the city with virtually no language skills! The locals laugh, point and take pictures...but for good reason!  :)

We've done lots of walking.  Wednesday, we took a public bus to the downtown area.  Its an awesome city! I loved walking around and getting a taste of city life.  Riding a bus was quite an experience for me.  Being from a small town, I've never used public transportation.  I'm pretty sure there were 500+ plus people on one of the buses we took.  When you enter China, you have to leave personal space and germo-pobia at the door!  I bought a bus pass yesterday, so I will probably be a frequent bus user.  :) 

I have a new favorite food.  Bao zi.  Its a yummy steamy bun with meat (and stuff) inside.  SO DELICIOUS! Yesterday I ate 8 bao zis.   Yep, thats right--8.  Good thing I'm walking a lot! Hah! My new saying, "Bao zi makes my world go round!"  And its so cheap...approximately 30 cents for 3 bao zis. And its available everywhere! Mmmmmm...

Also, all my sweet warriors will be so happy to know that my best friend has once again been so faithful in providing friends.  I have met a handful of like-minded friends.  One is a precious sister...I spotted her at the airport and knew immediately that she was placed here for me.  What a blessing! I have enjoyed getting to know her these past few days and look forward to a semester of growing with her, in him.  He never ever ever ever fails.  My best has been sweeter than ever.  I cannot tell you how many times I've said, " I can't do this. I can't do this."  And each time, He gently wraps His arms around me and says, "Yes you can, my Child.  Yes you can.  Feel my arms?  I am your strength." 

My life is not easy right now.  But I didn't sign up for easy.  I signed up to know him. He is the goal.  I just had a precious friend remind me, "Like you've told me quite a few times... its never gunna be easy!! so, just keep your eyes on the prize and you'll get there."  He is the prize, and knowing Him is worth the fight!

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of wittnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:1-2

 I am loving China so far.  I am being stretched more than ever, and its a blessing.  But this is so real.  Its totally worth it.

My new friend near a beautiful street in Chengdu.  The lights are there year round!


  1. Hello! We are the Grimes family from Baxley, Ga. So glad to see all that God is doing for you and through you! The seed for adopting our sweet Lydia (from Xin Yu, Jiangxi) was actually planted while I was in Chengdu with my twin sister. I accompanied them as they adopted their second daughter from China and she was from Yibin, Sichuan. Since Chengdu is the capital, all of the paperwork is processed and the families stay in Chengdu. We stayed at the Holiday Inn Crown Plaza. It is indeed one of the most beautiful locations in all of China once you get out of the city! I have shared your blog link with some of my adoptive family and they too Love your blog! ((Hugs)) and prayers ! Cindy Grimes

  2. Oh, Abby, how your difficult mornings resonate with my spirit. When we first came home from China with Ellie and we had added Brandon to our family at the same time, that was when I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. Once my day was going and I was busy being Mama, all was well. At night I was thankful. In the morning, though, Satan worked overtime to make me doubt myself and my ability.

    And, of course, it was NOT my ability. It is Jesus.

    Can you imagine how close you are going to grow to Him, as you walk through these days with Him. Can you imagine the things He will show you, the words you will hear from Him?

    I'm getting excited, and SOOOOOOOO looking forward to following your journey.

    Love and prayer,
    Robbie, Josie-Tatum, and Ellie
