Thursday, June 30, 2011

All Nations, All Children, All People

I'm leaving China in 26 days.  I can't even wrap my mind around the reality that my time here (for this season at least) has almost come to and end.  He has sustained me.  He has been faithful.  He is everything He says He is. Really.  And the same One who brought me to this place will also go with me back to Georgia.  In fact, He will go before me, behind me, and with me.  And He will remain the same as I enter back into stateside life and as I begin my last year of college in August. My heart quivers at the thought of leaving this country that has stolen my heart and these children who have become imprinted on my very soul.  But, He will remain the same.  No matter where I go.  No matter what the future holds.  My source of stability. My source of comfort.  Only Him.

I've had numerous people ask me if I'll be returning to China in the future.  Honestly, that is a question I've asked myself almost every day since I arrived in February.  On good days I'd think to myself, "Of course I'll be back! Where else would I rather be?"  On not so good days I'd think, "No way! 180 days and I'm outta here!" So, as typical of my life, the question of returning sends me on an emotional roller coaster ride.  The short answer:  Returning to China (long term) is my greatest hope....and my biggest fear.  And at this point, I have no idea what the future holds.  My only prayer is that I'll be obedient to the tender voice of my Prince.  He knows my heart.  He may ask me to do things or go places that I feel completely incapable of doing or going.  But as He has proven again and again...He can be trusted.  China has a very very special place in my heart.  I love this country.  I love these people.  I love these babies.  And I would love it if my Prince were to bring me back someday.  But I have to hold China with on open hand.  This place is not my goal.  He is my goal.

With that being said, I want to send you here.  This is the blog for the [SOUP], Sponsorship of Orphans in Uganda Project (The Soup Website can be found here).  This organization was founded two years ago by one of my best friends, Brin Enterkin.  Brin spent summer 2009 living in a small village in Uganda.  Her heart was gripped by the vast need for health care, basic necessities (food, clothing, etc) and education for a group of precious children in the village.  She came home and could not stand to be silent. As a sophomore in college Brin decided to begin this organization.  Since then, we've built a team of about ten students at Berry who meet weekly to pray and figure out the best ways to care for these kiddos. You can get more details about the [SOUP] on the website...but I want you to take a look at the latest blog entries.  Brin and our other [SOUP] staffer, Sarah, were both in Uganda last week (Sarah is spending all summer there).  Scroll down and take a look at some of the pictures.  Study the faces.

This is why China can't be my goal.  If I limit myself to one region of the world, I am cutting myself off from experiencing the entirety of God's heart.  You see, His heart beats for all people. So this includes China, Africa, Peru, Canada, England, Russia, the United get the picture.  Now, of course, He gave me a tender spot for China.  He opened doors for me to come here.  And the more time I spend here, learning the culture and loving the people, naturally, I grow more comfortable and at-home.  But I think the temptation many people face is that of becoming obsessed with one particular region.  I've seen so many people go on short term trips and then come home absolutely enamored and obsessed with that place (and I'm saying this only because I've done it...).  It's almost like we block ourselves off from other places or people just because we had a great experience in a certain place.  I do believe that He calls us to particular places at particular times and I know He lays certain people groups on our hearts...but my heart does not belong to a country.  My heart belongs to the One who formed it.  And He alone gets to decide my path.  So, yes, I've spent the last six months of my life in China. And I have loved every second of it (well...mostly) BUT, He may never bring me back to China.  And I have to be okay with that.

I pray daily for His heart
I pray daily that mine will break when His does
I pray daily that I will be obedient

So who knows whether that will mean China, Africa, Belgium, Cambodia, Belize, Argentina, France, Russia, or USA?  Not me.  I want my heart to skip a beat when I see the face of any orphaned child...not just Asian ones.  I want to be enthralled with people of every nation, every tribe, and every tongue.  And I pray that my wayward heart will be obedient to His calling to follow my King to the far side of whatever sea He chooses.  Even if that sea is just the Okefenokee Swamp, Hah!

1 comment:

  1. Love your heart!!! Praying for you as your time in Luoyang comes to an end. Praying for you as you re-enter the US...what a bubble it can be. Praying that your heart stays full and your arms wide open for whatever our Father is calling you to. Much love today and always!!!
    Lori Mullican
