Friday, June 24, 2011

Super Size Me- China Edition

 So, what do two girls do when they find themselves with ten cheeseburgers, ten boxes of chicken nuggets and twenty orders of french fries all. to. themselves?  Good question.  I'm glad you asked.

This morning we said good-bye to our second student team.  This was a precious group of young women who I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know over the past week.  They have brought so much joy to my heart! I continue to me amazed at how our sweet Daddy hand-picks each member of these teams for our good and His glory.  I love hearing their stories and seeing their passion for the least.  I feel like I'm getting a front row seat to a story much bigger than myself.  What a privilege.

Okay, so back to the story. 

The team left around 9 am this morning.  The teary good-byes were over and Caitlin and I were about to snuggle down with some popcorn and a good movie when Boss Mikey calls (around 12:30pm) to tell us that their flight had been delayed (they were supposed to take off at 10:45).  The flight wasn't expected to leave for another two hours so he was asking if Caitlin and I would kindly consider making a trip to good ole' Mickey D's and pick up some lunch for our dear, famished team mates.  Being the awesome interns that we are, we were more than willing :)  We loaded up and headed to McDonalds where we ordered 10 cheeseburgers, 10 orders of chicken nuggets and 20 orders of french fries.  You should have seen the wide eyed stares we received from the Mcdonald's workers...priceless.

We ordered and paid and were watching the workers fill the huge cardboard box with our lunch goodies when the cell phone rang.  Its Mikey.. the conversation goes like this...

"Uh, hey...where are you?"
  "At Mcdonalds! We're almost finished getting the food and we're headed your way." 
"Uh....we're actually boarding the plane I guess you have a lot of burgers on your hands!"

So, back to the question:  What do two girls do when they find themselves with ten cheeseburgers, ten boxes of chicken nuggets and twenty orders of french fries all. to. themselves?

They laugh a lot

And eat wayyyyy too much.
(And of course they share with whoever happens to walk by.  And offer french fries to any kiddos that can  chew.  And beg people to please eat one more fry!)